Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Provide Live Classified Ads Posting In USA Sites


Automation is Something which can save aIot of your time and increase productivity . 

AIot of ReaI Estate Investors , Agents and Buyer using Podio and Craiglist on daily basis for different purposes . I can connect Podio and Craiglist so whenever something matching your requirement comes on CraigIlist , podio will fetch and save that lead for you . 


Seller's Response:

Didnt deliver and skrewed up simple instructions. Wasted my money, thanks for nothing

Seller's Response:

I Complete the work with honest and use my own money for posting ads at the end when i ask to him to pay my money that I have use to pay for ads they simply asking me i can't work with you and also cannot order for Paid ads . Therefore My money is lost and he could not pay me . 🙄 Now he simply lair

Seller's Response:

love it good sir will come for more


Great job we can do business


Thank you So much Sir

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