Friday, November 20, 2020

Identify Quick Win Keywords For Your SEO


Regardless of whether you have a great content team working on optimizing your website or you're doing it by yourself, identifying opportunities for optimizing meta descriptions and titles is boring.

The usual way to do it is coming up with a spreadsheet containing some click-through ratios for keywords or URLs that perform better or worse than others, and painstakingly identifying the opportunities. Not really something that would make anyone enthusiastic about the process of optimization.

Using the template I've put together in Google Data Studio, you will be able to automatically identify the keywords worth investing your (or your team's) time in by simply looking at the chart. What's best, you can keep the template for FREE!

I will customize the template to fit the exact needs of your business/site. For example, filters will have to be set for keywords you don't want to consider, click threshold will have to be adjusted...

In order to do the customization, you will either have to a) give me temporary access to your GSC account, or b) fill out a questionnaire based on which I will customize and deliver the template.

Google Search Console account is required.


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