Sunday, June 21, 2020

Give 20 Videos Course On How To Sell Your Knowledge Online


Here's a list of the video titles included in this training:

1. Udemy Basics

2. Udemy Overview

3. Set Up Your Udemy Account

4. Select A Topic

5. Create An Outline

6. Create Video Content

7. Create Course Outlines

8. Checklists And Text Content

9. Creating Audio Content

10. Create Case Studies

11. Online Community

12. Uploadling To Udemy

13. Using Free Coupons

14. Other Promo Strategies

15. Managing Students

16. Branding Your Business

17. Earning Revenue

18. Rules To Be Aware Of

19. Guarding Your Content

20. Conclusion

this 20 videos will be delivered as MP4 format, in a zip folder. 



Fast and Accurate

: : : :

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