Saturday, May 2, 2020

Submit Your URL To 1800 Whois Data, And Aboutus Sites


I will submit your URL to 1800 different whois data and aboutus sites creating backlinks & data pages for your site. This is a fast way to get websites indexed on the search engines.


Seller's Response:

Completed as described. Thanks.

Seller's Response:

Yes, would use again.


Thankyou, good job


I bought this gig to get 2,000 whois link but there were only 1,800 links. Seller proceeded to change the gig name to 1,800. After testing the excel report, more than 50% of the links didn't work and I gave up testing. Many of the links came from the same domain too. Waste of money and time.


There's only 1800 on the list now, as explained you should wait until all links show up. I have no control over the sites to when the pages are actually created. This is a submission gig. The websites are in control of when they create the pages after submission, some are quick and some are slow

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