Friday, May 1, 2020

Sell Complex Web Admin


1. Data and Processing
a. Student
b. Queue for Registration
c. Registration and transactions
d. Cancel Regristrasi
e. Cicila is not paid off

2. Report
a. Service Revenue Recap
b. recap of Goods income
c. Service + Goods income recap
d. Teacher Recapitulation
e. JM Teacher Checking Recap
f. Student Transaction Recap
g. Total Service Recap
h. Goods Sales Recap
i. Student Sales Recap
j. Paid Installment Recap

3. Coding
a. Teacher
b. Profession
c. Purchase
d. Branch
e. Service Category
f. Services
g. Cooperation Discount
h. Item Category
i. Goods
j. Unit of Goods
k. Unit Conversion
l. Supplier
m. group fee

4. Settings
a. Configuration
b. Member
c. Member Level
d. Log System
e. Bug Report


: : : : :

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